How Rihanna Gives The Most Inspiring Advice To Fan Struggling With Heartbreak will SHOCK YOU {MUST READ}

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Grammy-winning singer, star of the upcoming “Ocean’s Thirteen” and designer of fine footwear for Puma, the “Work” singer is also demonstrating another gift: offering relationship advice to lovelorn fans.
It all started when a Twitter user with the handle @WaladShami wrote to RiRi and asked: “Hey Robs, how did you get over your first heartbreak?” He added: “I’ve been struggling.
Rihanna then weighed in with an amazing response, offering some sage advice via direct message.
She said:
“Just believe that the heartbreak was a gift in itself! Cry if you have to, but it won’t be forever!” she wrote.
“You will find love again and it will be even more beautiful!” she continued. “In the meantime, enjoy all that YOU are!!!”
Here’s how it went between the super star and the fan:

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